Paypal One-time Fee lets you add one-time fees to first time payments of PayPal Standard subscriptions.
The payment gateway category contains plugins that allow you to accept payments through Gravity Forms. Most of the plug-ins in this category integrate a single payment service provider (or gateway) such as Stripe or WorldPay.
Paypal One-time Fee lets you add one-time fees to first time payments of PayPal Standard subscriptions.
Accept credit card payments from your WordPress site with this Gravity Forms Stripe integration Add-On. You can capture both one-time and recurring payments. Also see the online documentation.
Gravity Press is a WordPress Plugin created to integrate Gravity Forms and MemberPress. Using Gravity Forms for your checkout process, Gravity Press automatically assigns your new customer to any particular MemberPress level you specify, saving you from having to do this process manually. Through the Gravity Forms subscription functionality, this add-on can expire users from MemberPress levels once they cancel their subscription or their payment fails.
Accept credit card payments with Gravity Forms using SagePay.
This add-on allows you to accept credit card payments through Gravity Forms using the Quantum payment service provider.
Moneris eSelectPLUS Direct Payment Gateway allows your to accept credit card payments through Gravity Forms.
MOLPay Gateway lets your accept credit card payments through Gravity Forms and MOLPay.
Accept one-time and recurring subscription payments through Stripe with Gravity Forms.
Accept payments through Gravity Forms and GoEmerchant payment service provider.
Flo2Cash Gateway allows your to accept credit card payments through Gravity Forms.